Sunday, October 26, 2008


This took a total of three Saturdays to install.... two of them were for the cutting and mounting (Dom and Laura), and the third for the grouting (Laura solo). Laura went back a weekend later for the final caulking. This is just about the last detail to complete the kitchen. Here is a look at our progress:

Laying out the tiles... measure twice, cut once, as the saying goes.

Mostly finished tile at the right of the sink, above the dishwasher....

A couple weeks later, the tile is now grouted. That's a dark green glass tile around the decorative flowers. This ties in with the leaves of the stained glass piece in the corner cabinet.

The focal point pattern at the stove, complete with spacers to keep the tiles correctly spaced.

The same location as above, but now with grout complete....

This is the little space on the island between the lowest level and the counter-height level. The total height is 3 1/2 inches.

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